The Sussex Beekeepers’ Association hold various events throughout the beekeeping year, as do our various divisions.
The main events for the SBKA are the
- The Annual General Meeting in the early spring, see – 2024 SBKA AGM | Sussex Beekeepers Association at which the proper business of the association is transacted and in addition there is generally an interesting talk from an eminent invited speaker plus the obligatory tea cakes by way of refreshments.
It is generally a fun and sociable occasion when Sussex beekeepers have to opportunity to meet up and share ideas.
- The Bee Market which is the biggest event of the year for the SBKA is generally held in the month of May, see – 2024 SBKA Bee Market | Sussex Beekeepers Association.
Due to the numbers, we generally take over a large local school for the day.
* The are numerous activities including:
* The Auction where one can sell old / no longer used equipment or pick up real bargains.
….. very useful for useful for those just starting out.
* There is an invited talk from an eminent beekeeper.
* There are trade stalls :-
. Local beekeeping suppliers…plant stall…woodwork…honey of course! plus many more.