SBKA Constitution

RULES 2014

The name of the Association is Sussex Beekeepers’ Association

The Association is an Area Association Member of the British Beekeepers’ Association and comprises Divisions  

1.  Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be:

  • The encouragement of good practice in beekeeping.
  • The advancement and development of beekeeping and of the interests of beekeepers.
  • The education of the public in the importance of bees and beekeeping to the economy and to the environment.

2.  Definitions

The following definitions shall apply:

BBKA British Beekeepers’ Association:
Area Association Member Sussex Beekeepers’ Association, SBKA
Executive Council The Executive Council of Sussex Beekeepers’ Association
Division A Division of Sussex Beekeepers’ Association under its own Chairman and Management
Divisional Committee A committee of a Division of SBKA
Year The Association Year shall be from 1st October to the following 30th September
Member See below

3.  Members and Membership

A member of the Association shall be a fully paid up member of a Division in the BBKA membership classes which an Area Association Member may accept.

A member may join more than one Division but may only exercise one vote on any matter concerning the business of the Association or its activities.

The Divisions shall provide the appropriate Officer of the Executive Council with information which enables an up-to-date Register of Members to be maintained. This information will only be used to conduct the business of the Association.

Only Registered or Partner members shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Association.

4.  Executive Council

The business of the Association shall be conducted by the Executive Council which shall have at least three meetings between successive Annual General Meetings each to be held at a place convenient to its members.

The Executive Council shall comprise members of the Association, these shall be:

The Officersof the Association  The Chairman, the Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary General Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Divisional Representatives Appointed by each Division of the Association. Each Division shall appoint up to two Divisional Representatives to the Executive Council. At least one Divisional representative shall be an Officer of that Division.

Co-opted members The Executive Council shall have the right to co-opt at its discretion up to three additional members each with the right to vote if members of the Association. Co-opted members may or may not be members of the Association.

Each Division shall advise the Honorary General Secretary of its appointed Divisional Representative(s) in advance of the Association Annual General Meeting.

The Executive Council shall appoint one of its members as the SBKA delegate to the BBKA.

At any meeting of the Executive Council, four including an officer shall form a quorum.

The President shall be invited to attend meetings of the Executive Council as an ex officio member.

The President shall conduct the AGM during the election of the Chairman and may guide the Executive Council and the Officers on procedural, customary and other such matters.

Period of service – All members of the Executive Council, apart from co-opted members, will be elected at an Annual General Meeting.  The President and Chairman shall be elected annually and may not serve for more than three consecutive years. Other elected members will be elected for one year, and may be re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.

A member co-opted by the Executive Council shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting of the Association but may be co-opted for a further period

5.  Divisions

Each Division shall be managed by a Committee comprising a Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and such other officers and members as the Divisional Rules may prescribe. (This rule does not preclude the holding of more than one office by one individual).

Divisional General Meetings shall be convened and conducted generally in accordance with the principles set out in these rules.

Divisional Annual General Meetings should be held before the Association’s Annual General Meeting.

Divisional rules should specify the minimum number of members who may requisition an Extraordinary General Meeting and should specify the number required to form a quorum at a Divisional General Meeting and must contain rules for cessation.

Each Division may elect a President.

6.  Finance

The Association’s financial year shall be from 1st October to the following 30th September.

The rate of the annual Levy required to cover the Association’s working expenses and the cost of General Meetings shall be determined by the Executive Council and be payable by the Division. Payment should be made promptly. The amount of these fees, and capitation fees for the BBKA required to be paid to the Association shall be notified to the Divisional Honorary Treasurers by the Honorary General Treasurer.

Subscriptions payable to Divisions by their members shall be determined annually by Divisional Committees at rates calculated to include the expenses of the Division, the Levies payable to the Association and BBKA on the basis prescribed by those bodies. No member shall be entitled to the privileges of the Association until the Divisional Honorary Treasurer receives their Annual subscription.

A Division shall be liable for the cost of any levy incurred by the Association resulting from not reporting a membership change at the due time.

The Association will maintain suitable accounts with an appropriate bank or other financial institution. There shall be no fewer than three signatories including: the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer. Should the need arise, another member or members of the Executive Council whose signatures will be registered with the bank or financial institution of the Association may become signatories. Two authorised signatories must sign each cheque or other monetary instrument issued in the name of Association.

Divisional Treasurers will provide copies of approved accounts to the Honorary General Treasurer at the end of each divisional year.

The accounts of the Association shall be examined by the Accounts Examiner.

7.  General Meetings

Only members of the Association namely Registered Members and Partner Members shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting.

Notice of an Association General Meeting and the agenda of the business to be transacted shall be notified to every Division of the Association allowing at least 10 days’ notice before the date of the meeting.

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall normally be held before the end of April at a venue approved by the Executive Council. The hosting of the meeting shall rotate among the Divisions of the Association with the approved expenses being met by the Association.   The following business shall be transacted:

  • Consider the Report of Accounts of the previous financial year, which shall have been approved by the Accounts Examiner
  • Elect the President and Officers
  • Appoint the Accounts Examiner for the coming year
  • Consider any proposals requiring the authorisation of the Meeting
  • Deal with any other items on the Agenda and if the Chairman so decides any other urgent or important business.

At any General Meeting, twelve Members of the Association including the Chairman or the member acting temporarily in that capacity, shall form a quorum.

The Chairman, if present, should take the chair at the AGM except for the election of Chairman during which time the President shall chair the Meeting.

8.  Extraordinary Meetings

An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on the direction of the Executive Council or upon the receipt by the Executive Council of a written request signed by at least twenty Association Members with at least two from each Division and specifying the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

No business shall be transacted at an Extraordinary General Meeting other than that set out in the Agenda sent to members.

9.  Casting Vote

At any Meeting of the Association or a Division including a meeting of the Executive Council, the Chairman, or a person acting in the absence of the Chairman, shall have the casting vote.

10.   Authority

The Executive Council or a Divisional Committee shall have the Authority:

  • To fill any vacancy or vacancies arising among its members
  • To deal with any matter not covered by these rules but which concerns the Association, the Executive Council, or a Division as the case may be.

11.  Elections

Where there is more than one nomination for an office or appointment, the election for that office or appointee shall be by ballot of the Association members present and entitled to vote.

12.  Affiliations

The Executive Council may arrange for the Association to become affiliated to any kindred organisation and may arrange for the affiliation to the Association of any organisation with compatible objectives

13.  Cessation

In the event of the winding up or dissolution of a Division, the funds and assets standing to the credit of that Division shall be dealt with in accordance with a resolution of the Divisional Committee or failing that the Executive Council.  In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Sussex Beekeepers Association the funds and assets of the Association shall be dealt with as directed by an Extraordinary General Meeting after receiving the recommendations of the Executive Council. In administering this rule due regard shall be had to the objects of the Association especially in their application to beekeeping in Sussex.

14.  Resignation

In the event of a Division desiring to resign its membership of the Sussex Beekeepers Association that Division shall hold a General Meeting at which this issue is clearly included on the Agenda sent to all Divisional Members giving at least 10 days’ notice.

A Resolution of Resignation must be passed by two-thirds of those present and having the right to vote. The notification of such resignation shall be communicated in writing forthwith to the Executive Council.

Pending enactment of such resignation the Division will resolve with the Association any outstanding financial issues including if appropriate the allocation of any financial assets.

15.  Rules

Any new Rule or Rules may be made and any of the foregoing rules may be altered, amended or revoked by a two thirds majority of members entitled to vote and present at a General Meeting held in accordance with these Rules. The nature and effect of any proposed new Rule or Rules or alteration, amendment or repeal shall have been considered by the Executive Council and the Executive Council’s recommendation on such proposals shall be notified to the Divisions at least six weeks before such General Meeting.

In the event of the need to interpret the meaning or intention of these Rules or to deal with a conflict arising from their wording the matter will be decided by the Executive Council.