
The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) provides a comprehensive range of practical and theoretical Assessments – details can be found here (link to https://www.bbka.org.uk/learn open in a new window or tab).   All the Divisions within the Association run courses to help you to get started and the BBKA offer correspondence courses for those wishing to work towards becoming a Master Beekeeper.

Taster Days – most of our Divisions run Taster Days for those thinking about beekeeping as a hobby – look on their websites for details.

Under 18?  The Junior Certificate is a great starting point for youngsters.

Basic Assessment – often referred to as your beekeeping driving license, this practical assessment is aimed at those with a seasons’ experience under their belts.

Modules – there are 7 exams covering all aspects of beekeeping from bee anatomy to products of the hive.

Bee Health and Bee Breeding – 2 standalone assessments for those wanting to improve the skills and knowledge in these subjects.

General and Advanced Husbandry – notoriously thorough practical assessments designed to test all aspects of your beekeeping practices.

Microscopy Certificate and Honey Show Judge are 2 more standalone assessments that you can also take as time allows.


To apply for any of these please read the syllabi and check any prerequisites first, then you can download the application forms from the BBKA website. Basic Assessments are organised by Divisions and you should pass your form to the Divisional Secretary or Education Officer. For all other assessments contact the County Exam Secretary by email at exams@sussexbee.org.uk who will advise on arrangements.