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Brighton & Lewes AGM 2024
21 February, 2024 @ 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Brighton and Lewes Division Honey Show Rules
Wednesday 21st February 2024
Judges: Gerald Legg, Jude New, Norman Dickinson & Bob Curtis. Classes 1 – 4 (GL), Classes 5, 6 & 9 (JN)
Classes 7 &8 (ND), Class 10 & 11(BC), Class 12 (you the audience)
To enter you need to: Email your Entry Form and Photographs by Tues. 6th Feb. 2024 for free entry to all
classes to Bob Curtis; poshpix@me.com
• Bring your entries for Classes 1 – 9 & 12 to the meeting on Wednesday 21st February 2024 at 7pm.
On the night entry fee is £1.00 per entry.
• Photographs for Classes 10 & 11 must be submitted digitally to poshpix@me.com
• Class 1. One 1lb Jar Clear honey.
• Class 2. One 1lb Jar Naturally Crystallised honey.
• Class 3. Two 1lb Jars of similar honey.
• Class 4. One Honey Jar Label of your own design on an empty 1lb jar.
• Class 5. One Moulded candle.
• Class 6. One 1oz block of wax.
• Class 7. One Honey Cake. As per the recipe below/overleaf.
• Class 8. Six Honey Biscuits. Your own recipe to be provided with biscuits.
• Class 9. A wax wrap big enough to covering an orange or similar.
• Class 10. A bee related photograph (Max file size 4mb jpeg).
• Class 11. A close-up shot of a bee (Max file size 4mb jpeg).
• Class 12. An invention relating to beekeeping or the bee hive (It is a Fun Class & does not
contribute to final point = It will be judged by the audience)
Points are awarded for each class. The member with the most points across classes 1 to 11 will be
awarded the Dixon Hurst Cup. 1st award – 5 points 2nd award – 3 points 3rd award – 2 points
(Only the highest placing for each class will be counted towards the overall score)
The Novice with the Highest Points will be awarded the Novice Tray. Awarded to the person with the
most points who has not won a first place award in a previous B&L Honey Show.
The Best Honey Cake will win the Honey Cake Salver
!All classes may only be entered by individual members of Brighton and Lewes Beekeepers.
!No entry fee for classes with Entry Forms received by the Tues. 6th Feb. 2024, otherwise £1.00
per entry.
! Classes 1 –3, 5 – 6 & Classes 9 – 11: maximum of two entries, only your highest score will go
towards the Dixon Hurst Cup.
! Class 4: One Honey Jar Label of your own design on an empty 1lb jar (max. one entry).
! Classes 5 & 6 & 9: The Wax must come from your own apiary.
! Classes 7 & 8: maximum one entry
!Honey exhibits: must be from the member’s apiary.
! Jars: must be unlabelled, 1lb glass jars with gold lid (except for class 4).
! Cakes and biscuits: to be presented on a plate and covered with cling film. (The Honey used
should be from the member’s own apiary or locally produced honey.)
! Classes 10 & 11: Photographs must be submitted in digital format preferably jpeg at a max file
size 4mb (Larger files will be accepted if they can be sent by email). All entries remain the
copyright of the author. Entries may be used in the B&L Newsletters and website and will be
credited to the author.
! Class 12: New this year. Any item that you have made, i.e. Asian Hornet Traps, special boards,
gadgets to make life easier, your choice.
Recipe for Class 7
Honey Fruit Cake – made to recipe below:
50g Honey,
2 eggs,
150g SR Flour,
60g Demerara sugar,
200g butter or margarine,
200g mixed fruit,
1 tablespoon milk.
Put honey, sugar and milk together in a warm place and leave until honey is dissolved. Beat in
remainder of ingredients.
Bake in cool oven for about 1¼ hours at 150°C, Gas Mark 2 (this time and temperature is onl